Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just Walking Through the Capitol


Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry with Special
Olympics Oklahoma athletes' Chris Paynter,
Blake Reynolds and Heather Hancock.
Governor Henry presented the athletes
with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day
Proclamation for September 25, 2010.
The athletes presented the Governor with
 a Special Olympics Oklahoma shirt.

I was at the Oklahoma Capitol last week for a meeting with Governor Brad Henry. He was presenting Special Olympics Oklahoma with a proclamation for Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day, September 25, 2010. 

After the presentation, I was walking through the Capitol and took a few minutes to take some photos of the dome, the front of the Capitol and the Hall of Governors.

This is the inside of the dome. I thought it made
an extremely interesting geometrical photo.

Taking this photo brought back a funny memory...
This is the hall of Governors "past". Years ago, my friend Kay
and I came to the Capitol on a Saturday with my husband's
Boy Scout troop. While they were off touring the building, Kay
and I ended up in this hall. She started doing pirouettes down
the hall. I followed her doing the same. Now, we can always
say that we danced before the governors! I'm sure the guys
on the security cameras that day got quite a laugh. But,
no one can laugh with me better than my friend Kay.