Thursday, March 3, 2011

Three Little Piggies

Several years ago, I bid on these three little piggies at a silent auction. I put them away and forgot about them until last night when I found them in a drawer. I remember now why I bid on these piggies. They make me smile. That's it. That's all. They just make me smile. I think I'll leave them out for a while and then I'll retire them back to a drawer until some day when I run across them again. They'll make me smile all over again.

Happy Smiling Thursday Night,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Eggs and Jelly

I got to visit with my friend Beth this week. Remember, she has chickens that lay Easter Egg colored eggs?
She surprised me with these beautiful eggs. Beth is going to help me pick out some baby chicks so that I can have my own pet Easter Egger chickens. This is going to be a new adventure. Wonder what Hambo Rambo is going to say?

Easter Eggs

My friend Beth also brought me a another gift...
homemade Apricot jelly. YUMMY!

She said, "The eggs and apricot jelly are my
Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Groundhog's Day/
Lincoln & Washington Birthday gift to you!"

Life is so much richer with friends, especially those like Beth!

Happy Wednesday,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'm beginning two new paintings. The canvases have been textured and primed. I am ready to begin. I feel a bit of trepidtion as I ponder how I want to begin. I will pray and then wait. The inspiration will come. God is good. He directs, I respond. It's a process. It always is. As I've always said, "Painting is an outward expression of an inward emotion." It's just just the beginning.

The canvases await.


P.S. Oh, I joined a gym today. We'll see how long my exercise regime lasts! Hopefully, I'll be fit and slim in no time. Dream on...